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If you are interested in becoming a Master Gardener, contact your local Cooperative Extension office to enroll in a Master Gardener Training Program. Here are the California Master Gardener Program links listed by California county.
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This is where viewers of the UC Master Gardener lectures presented on University of California Television (UCTV) can find additional information about the programs, download handouts and outlines, and take quizzes on the topics presented. This is also where copies of the tapes are available for sale.
There is a great deal of information available from the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources to the people of California. In the far left column look at the various Other UC and ANR Links to access online resources for Master Gardeners, homeowners, agriculture producers, health advisors and people from many walks of life.

What is UCTV? The University of California launched UCTV to provide the public with informational, educational and enrichment programming that draws upon the vast intellectual, scientific and creative talents of the University of California. UCTV delivers documentaries, faculty lectures, cutting-edge research symposiums and artistic performances from each of the ten UC campuses and the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources which includes UC Cooperative Extension. UCTV programs are broadcast live and on-demand twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week at http://uctv.tv using the latest in Web-delivery technology. UCTV is also available to more than 7 million television viewers throughout North America on Echostar Satellite's DISH Network, channel 9412.
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Turf Management This lecture is presented in two parts. Each part is 90-minutes in length. Recorded in California's Sacramento Valley, Sacramento County.
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The Home Orchard This is the first of two lectures, each 60-minutes in length. Recorded in California's Sacramento Valley, Sacramento County.
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Home Vineyard One 90-minute lecture. Donna Hirschfelt, County Director and Farm Advisor, Amador County, UC Cooperative Extension, introduces a class of UC Master Gardener students to the home vineyard.
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Introduction to Entomology This lecture is presented in two parts. Each part is 60-minutes in length. Recorded in El Dorado County in the Sierra Nevada foothills.
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Maintaining an Existing Landscape 73 minute lecture. Recorded in Yolo County.
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Integrated Pest Management This lecture is presented in two parts. Each part is 90-minutes in length. Recorded in California's Sacramento Valley, Sacramento County.
Master Gardener Handbook
an invaluable reference tool for retail nursery staff, horticultural advisors, and all California gardeners.
Covers soil, fertilizer, and water management; plant propagation; weeds and pests; home vegetable gardening; specific garden crops including grapes,berries,temperate fruits and nuts,citrus, and avocados.
Planting and Care of Landscape Trees This lecture is presented in two parts. Each part is 90-minutes in length. Recorded in El Dorado County in the Sierra Nevada foothills.
Patrick O'Connor-Marer
Understanding Pesticides This lecture is presented in two parts. Each part is 90-minutes in length. Recorded in California's Sacramento Valley, Sacramento County.
Robert Norris
Home Vegetable Gardening This lecture is presented in two parts. Each part is 60-minutes in length. Recorded in El Dorado County in the Sierra Nevada foothills.
Diseases of Ornamentals and Other Garden Plants 3-hour lecture presented in two 90-minute parts. Recorded in Santa Clara County in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Steven Swain
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Terry Salmon
Principles of Vertebrate Pest Control This lecture is presented in two parts. Each part is 60-minutes in length. Recorded in El Dorado County in the Sierra Nevada foothills.
DVD Sales Information
Information for ordering these UC Master Gardener Lecture Series videotapes on VHS.